Residential Tower Proposed for Castlebar Street, Kangaroo Point

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Architectural rendering of 23 Castlebar Street

A development application has been submitted by Burgundy Group for the construction of a 15-storey residential tower located on the south-west corner of the heritage-listed Shafston House site at 23 Castlebar Street, Kangaroo Point.

According to the application, a key driver behind the development is the preservation, restoration and enhancement of Shafston House and its grounds, as one of Brisbane’s most recognised heritage places.

“The proposed 15-storey apartment building and riverside homes will assist with funding future restoration works to Shafston House (the original dwelling) and its grounds (subject to separate development permits).”

“A key aspect of the development is to create a juxtaposition between the ‘old’ and ‘new’, whilst preserving significant views to and from the original house and maintaining the open lawn as a prominent feature of the proposal.” – Urbis

The proposed development is located on the southern edge of the site. When viewed from the river, the foreground of the expansive lawn and Shafston House remains the dominant feature of the site.

Architectural rendering of 23 Castlebar Street
Architectural rendering of 23 Castlebar Street
Architectural rendering of 23 Castlebar Street

Designed by Rothelowman, there will be 37 luxury three and four bedroom apartments as well as two four-bedroom river homes.

There is a high degree of detailed plans around design elements to bring the development in line with Buildings that Breathe guidelines, including natural ventilation of internal apartment spaces and increased landscaping throughout the building and site.

Architectural rendering of 23 Castlebar Street
Architectural rendering of 23 Castlebar Street – Riverhomes pathway

Project rundown

  • Site Area: 9,958m2. Extent of development 2,657m2
  • GFA: 2,641m2
  • Height: 15-storeys / RL 77.4m
  • Apartments: x27 three bedroom apartments, x12 four bedroom apartments (x39 apartments total)
  • Lifts: x2 lifts
  • Retail: No ground floor retail
  • Communal Space: Open lawn = 19.7% of total site. Open lawn + future communal recreation zone = 22.7% of total site
  • Car Parking: x102 spaces
  • Bike Parking: x49 spaces
  • Architect: Rothelowman
  • Landscape Design: RPS Group
  • Town Planner: Urbis
  • Sustainability: Subtropical buildings that breathe design features. The development includes a provision for a rooftop solar array system which would provide power to offset common area power consumption and rainwater harvesting.

The development proposal seeks a preliminary approval are the future use of:

  • Shaftson House proper as a luxury private residence
  • Orderlies building as communal recreation facilities
  • Wards building for residential dwellings
  • Postal Depot building as ancillary space for the residential dwellings in the estate (exact purpose to be determined)
  • Northern riverhomes
  • Communal recreation area to the north-west of Shafston House proper
  • Associated filling and excavation


App E - Proposed Plans


Tell us what you think about this masterplan below in the comment box. The development application for this project, available to view on Brisbane City Council’s Developmenti online platform is A005933994.

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  • Developing a heritage place is always something contentious in Australia, but a fact we must get used to. This sets a good precedent of how to do that.

  • I was relatively thrown off until I saw the picture of the view from the Brisbane River, where the original house is clearly still more prominent. I’m still interested in how they are planning to make the original Shafston House an area of public gathering while maintaining and preserving the historic nature of the building (littering, graffiti, other damages), but for now I’m liking the orientation of the building and the design of the apartments inside quite pleasantly.

  • this is an extremely ugly terrible brown colour old 1980 style ‘block of cheap flats’
    it is way too high to be next to shaftstone house
    redesiggn for the 21 st century and cut height to less than 10 levels

  • The elevation from the river looking west says it all. Far too much by way of height and dominance over both the Shafston House site and adjoining area. No boundary setbacks from the look of it on two sides either. No precedence for fifteen stories in this precinct, should be scaled back to twelve as was Valencia down the other end of Thorn St. On the positive side, very pleasing to see larger three bedroom apartments with sufficient parking as a dominant feature.

  • I wonder if they should remove three more floors so that the lowest apartment is higher allowing the full shadton house roofing to be seen

  • I wonder if they should remove three of the lowest apartments from the building so that the full shafton house roofline is visible to pedestrians on Thorn Street. They can add 5 floors above the roof in exchange for freeing up streetlevel for visual amenity. Such a shame to lower the undercroft to a level that severs shafton house roof peaks.

    They should mimic the trim architraves used on Queenslander homes between the stumps and floor line and do a better job to dress the undercroft connection to appear less like a carpark. Look to rainforest understory vegetation to cling and hang into the shaded undercroft to unify the undercroft.

    The two riverhomes and lawns need strong generous public riverwalk to be connected up to mowbray Park and dockside.

  • How sad to crowd such a beautiful Heritage Building such as Shafston House,losing its impact,of beautiful architecture of its era, as can also be seen with the great Customs House, the beautiful School of Arts etc.losing the value impact of these beautiful old buildings which are not even noticed due to the high rises around them……….all in the name of money makes me sad.

  • The house is a lovely feature of Kangaroo point as we travel the waterways and from across the river at New Farm.

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