Opera Development, South Brisbane

1 Min Read

Abcor Property Trust have submitted another development application which replaces its previous commercial DA lodged for 47-49 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane.

The new proposal is a residential development totalling 202 residential apartments.

  • 106 one-bedroom apartments
  • 86 two-bedroom apartments
  • 10 three-bedroom apartments

Designed by Mcveigh, the development also includes 264m2 of ground floor retail/commercial floor space as well as a six metre wide cross-block linkage, extending from Cordelia Street along the southern boundary of the site to the rear boundary which will connect to Manning Street.

The DA states that it aims to ensure the height, bulk, scale and massing of the building are consistent with those of the commercial approval granted in 2013.

The DA number for this development is (A003820633).


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  • Alot more work to be done. The info request from council indicates that the application from Abcor is seeking 18 storeys when only 12 is allowed on the site. A bit of over-reach on that one.
    The change from offices to residential is also going to require a serious rework.
    I think this one is away’s off yet

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