New Community Health and Wellbeing Precinct Refurbishment for Carina

4 Min Read
Architectual rendering of refurbished Clem Jones Aquatic Centre

A development application has been submitted for the redevelopment of the Clem Jones Aquatic Centre by the Camp Hill Carina Welfare Association.

The proposal seeks to establish a community health and wellbeing precinct focused around
the existing sport and recreation activities on site.

In broad terms the proposal entails the retention, expansion and renewal of existing aquatic centre functions and ancillary activities, such a child minding and food service activities, combed with the construction of medical and allied health, sports administration and possible education and training facilities.

The subject site is made up of a single lot with a total area of 157,800sqm. The proposal however relates only to the south western portion of the site, comprising the existing aquatic centre and surrounding buildings.

Architectual rendering of refurbished Clem Jones Aquatic Centre
Architectual rendering of refurbished Clem Jones Aquatic Centre

The project will provide for additional tenancy floorspace, targeted at sporting related allied health services, peak and second tier sporting organisations, as well as other community partners. This will provide effective, efficient services that cannot be realised through existing facilities, and of which there are limited comparable offerings throughout Brisbane.

The proposal is a four stage development project:

  • Stage 1 – Shop (health and wellbeing salon), Indoor Sport and Recreation and
    Outdoor Sport and Recreation and Office. Total proposed GFA: 334.3m².
  • Stage 2 – Indoor Sport and Recreation and Outdoor Sport and Recreation, Health
    Care Services, Office, Community Use and Education Establishment. Total proposed GFA: 1656m² (including 171.8m² building to be
    retained and refurbished).
  • Stage 3 – Indoor Sport and Recreation and Outdoor Sport and Recreation, Health
    Care Services, Office, Community Use and Education Establishment. Total GFA: 935.5m².
  • Stage 4 – Indoor Sport and Recreation and Outdoor Sport and Recreation and Food
    and Drink Outlet. Total GFA: 376m².
Architectual perspectives of refurbished Clem Jones Aquatic Centre

The proposal will expand on traditional gym, recreation, and fitness facilities to provide a hub of complementary health care services with the intent of promoting wellbeing and rehabilitation, as well as providing administrative and office facilities for peak sporting bodies and community organisations.

The proposal further recognises the goals of Councils Brisbane Vision 2031 providing “diverse and accessible recreational opportunities for all ages, abilities and backgrounds”.

Architectual perspectives of refurbished Clem Jones Aquatic Centre

Development rundown

  • Location: 401 Stanley Road, Carina
  • Area of Site: 157,800sqm
  • Town Planning: Urban Strategies
  • Architect: Think Tank Architects
  • Landscape Plans: Butler & Webb
  • GFA: 3301.8m² resulting in a net increase of 1672.80m²

The Clem Jones Centre is a non-profit organisation and an initiative of the Camp Hill-Carina Welfare Association, that is widely recognised for its extensive recreational facilities.

The centre was founded over 60 years ago, and actively promotes young people’s participation in a wide range of sporting and leisure activities.

In 2013 the Centre expanded its charter beyond the youth, to include the elderly and people with disabilities, as traditional facilities did not cater for these sectors. The centre plays a vital role in supporting these groups, particularly with respect to social interaction and mental health.




Tell us what you think about this development below in the comment box. The development application for this project, available to view on Brisbane City Council’s Planning & Development Online is A005525641.

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