Design Update for 2 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane

4 Min Read
Architectural rendering of 2 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane

A minor change development application has been submitted by 2 Cordelia Street Pty Ltd for a 30 storey residential tower located at 2 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane.

The majority of the changes to the previous application which was approved in 2017 is involving changing of dwelling mix, an increase in communal space, removal of a lift and facade detail changes.

Designed by Cottee Parker, the new design involves additional planting above ground level, removal of a green wall and replaced with brick with draped plantings as well as ground floor treatments.

Additionally, a new landscaped green roof has been created.

Architectural rendering of 2 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane's Foyer
Architectural rendering of 2 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane’s Foyer

Proposed changes:

  • A decrease in 15 units to 364 dwellings
  • A change in dwelling mix:
    – A decrease of x56 1-bedroom units
    – An increase of x54 2-bedroom units
    – A decrease of x9 3-bedroom units
    – Removal of the 4-bedroom units
  • Removal of Basement Level 4 due to the reduced parking demand
  • One lift has been removed meaning there are now 4 lifts to service the site
  • Level 4 has been changed from dwellings and communal space mix to dwellings only
  • Level 29 has been altered from penthouse apartments to communal space and amenities
  • Small facade changes are proposed to update the building look and reflect new floor plates
  • Planting along the Cordelia Street façade has increased

According to the development application, the residents common level amenity which was located on level 4 is now proposed to be located on level 29 and roof level, allowing for residents the opportunity to enjoy the expansive city and river views.

Architectural rendering of 2 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane’s Rooftop

“The improvements to the approved communal open space areas are proposed to facilitate a more usable space that caters to the expectations of future residents.” – Cottee Parker.

The dining area, gym and yoga area have been maintained on level 29, however, the reflection pond and function space have been removed from the development. In their place the following are proposed:

  • BBQ deck
  • Communal kitchen
  • Lounge
  • Village hall
  • Library
  • Steam/Sauna/Ice bath area
  • Co-working area
  • Outdoor exercise
  • Community garden
  • Cinema

The rooftop area has been minimally changed to include a kid’s pool and outdoor lawn.

Project rundown

  • Site Area: 2,309m2
  • Apartments: x364
  • Height: 30 storeys / RL 102.950m
  • Car Parking: x433
  • Bicycle spaces: x455
  • Communal Open Space: 2 levels (29 & 30)
  • Lifts: x4
  • First landscape plan originally created by Saunders Gavill Group
Architectural rendering of 2 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane’s Podium
Architectural rendering of 2 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane’s Podium

Tell us what you think about this masterplan below in the comment box. The development application for this project, available to view on Brisbane City Council’s Developmenti online platform is A005871702.

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  • Overdeveloped, underwhelming design, looks like a poor imitation Brisbane one towner’s site next door. Another overdeveloped site filled with empty apartments years after it was built. This tower will never be built out so it will have a lasting impact on the skyline of South Brisbane, better design must be achieved for this site. The people that live in this neighbourhood are sick of investor stock junk towers and want to see and buy into boutique owner-occupier towers with considered design.

  • That section is already crowded with see through apartments. Doesn’t add to the green space or offer parking for visitors on site. What a waste.

  • im not convinced this will positively contribute to south brisbane. Probably a hard brief from the developer, however the opportunities of a site like this have to be taken into consideration.

  • Very poor design with low spec-cannot see how council keeps approving these developments in an area that seems already overcrowded with apartments. They are increasing the capacity with smaller units – thus increasing parking demands and traffic through put- Council needs to be careful not to create a “Docklands”( Melbourne) situation

  • This is so sad! I’ve lived in this neighbourhood for years, bearing the noise of construction and enjoying the proximity to all amenities and services we have around.
    The older and smaller buildings are perfect in terms of the dwellings, sizes and the impact to the landscape. I cannot see this proposed building adding to anything. No street activation, I wish I could give it zero! Just look at the empty retail spaces in Brisbane 1.
    Sick of all the 30-storey towers that spend most of the year empty. 80% Airbnb apartments is not conducive to good neighbourhoods. If you’re thinking of accommodation for the olympics, you better think of the huge problem of homelessness here because that is happening NOW.

  • Insensitive architectural response to 4,6,8 Cordelia st.
    Another addition to the list of cheap commercial projects such as Brisbane 1 towers which is still looks empty and unoccupied after 2 years. Just walk around and notice the neglected and dying landscaping, cracked glass panels which have not been repaired for 2 years

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