Commercial Tower Proposed for Stage 5 of Newstead Central

4 Min Read

A development application has been submitted by Silverstone Developments for the last remaining site (stage 5) of the Newstead Central development.

The proposal, which has been designed by Rothelowman is for an 11 storey commercial office tower located at 14 Stratton Street, Newstead.

This DA supersedes the former development approval for stage 5 of Newstead Central, which was a 20 storey residential tower accommodating 196 apartments, proposed by Metro Property Development.

Artist's impression of 14 Stratton Street, Newstead
Artist’s impression of 14 Stratton Street, Newstead
Artist’s impression of 14 Stratton Street’s proposed ground floor
Artist’s impression of 14 Stratton Street, Newstead
Stage 5 of Newstead Central

Development Rundown:

  • A retail tenancy (to be used interchangeably as a shop/food and drink outlet) is located at ground level.
  • A communal lounge and small office tenancies sleeve the podium carpark to Stratton Street.
  • 11 storeys
  • 7,996 sqm of Office Gross Floor Area (GFA)
  • 95sqm of Retail GFA located at ground level
  • 182 car parks and 4 Van bays within both the existing basement and a new podium
  • Bicycle parking (49 resident and 19 visitors) and end of trip facilities including shower cubicles and associated change space, lockers and lounge area
  • Rooftop terrace and office function space.
Elevation of the proposed development at 14 Stratton Street, Newstead

Whilst the building’s footprint has expanded from the original residential scheme, the development application notes that the proposed commercial building separation will not unreasonably restrict access to natural light for adjoining residential towers. This is due to the new proposal being considerably shorter than the approved residential tower being only 11 storeys.

Privacy between the proposed development and adjoining residential uses has been improved compared with the previously approved residential tower.

A garden wall is proposed to be located within the rear façade which will further reduce potential privacy impacts between the proposed development and adjoining dwellings.

The garden wall is located centrally and provides a lush green outlook for residents compared to the previously approved development that would have seen direct overlooking between residential dwellings.

The green screening element that covers approximately 45% of the rear facade, considerably improving privacy despite the reduced building separation. – Development Application

Artist’s impression of 14 Stratton Street, Newstead
Artist’s impression of terrace rooftop level of 14 Stratton Street, Newstead
Artist’s impression of terrace level of 14 Stratton Street, Newstead

The development also includes end-of-trip facilities which is said to encourage green modes of transport & healthier lifestyles, to reduce carbon emissions & traffic congestion.

According to the development application, the North and South facades contain angled glazing, which presents an opportunity for a creative lighting feature to the street. The angled glazing will create a variation of finishes and lighting effects. The west facade (Stratton St) can also incorporate lighting within landscape elements for an additional feature.

The development application number for this project is A005114222.

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  • Great a green facade at the rear of the building… what about the other two sides of the building which face directly into residential apartments. The previous planned development wasn’t going to decimate the value of all surrounding properties. Not sure who planned this but they surely didn’t play sim city let alone have the basic intelligence required to realise not to put a giant commercial tower metres away from apartments.

  • Large intrusive building with no considerations for the residents who live either side, especially at the back where residents can almost reach out and touch the building from their balconies. This building was meant to be 10 stories high, I would like to see the amended DA for the excessive hight, or did they just pay someone off.
    This project has run ridiculously over time and with ego. The crew has had no respect for the residents living here, when turning up each morning anytime from 4.30am like they are working on an industrial site in Wacol with no consideration for noise or that this is our home. They have treated the street with arrogance, NEVER communicating road closures or to expect excessive on going noise and constant drilling with those of us who pay rates, and not to mention the dirt and dust constantly covering our cars (inside secure parking) and balconies, resulting in limited use of our balconies, for the past 15months. Compensation for this would of been expected.
    Extremely disappointed that this was allowed and that the previous owner ‘sold out’ and let the residence of Capri, St Tropez and Laguna deal with the short fall of facilities that were previously promised and the luxury living we expected.
    I’ll be surprised if this building is even completed by Dec 2021.

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