A development application has been lodged by W & R Property Pty Ltd for the construction of a 30-storey commercial tower located at 186 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley.
Designed by Nettleton Tribe, the office tower proposal replaces an application for two residential towers which were approved to be constructed on the currently vacant site.
According to the development application, the proposed changes have been driven by the recent acquisition of the land and a shift in the demand for commercial office space within the fringe of the CBD.
The tower has been designed so that it is elevated above the ground plane in order to enable an expansive landscaped public realm below, activating a planned through-link and providing a laneway experience from Wickham Street to Ranwell Lane. The lane would be activated by retail, a lobby space and landscaping.

Towards the back of the development, a short 5-storey annex office building is planned which would feature a small ground level ‘pocket park’, plaza and café.
“The ground plane offers diverse indoor and outdoor spaces through a mix of destination spaces, retail, a commercial lobby and lounge, and an art gallery.”
– Nettleton Tribe
Additionally, a ‘lounge’ is planned along this section which is a semi-open meeting and gathering place in between the open forecourt and secured lift lobby.

Pedestrian access and push bike access is provided from the laneway and carpark lifts to the dedicated end of trip facility.
On level 5, a wellness facility and as well as large green star 5 rated end of trip facilities featuring secure lockers, bike storage and amenities, 225 secure bike spaces, 68 visitor bike spaces and 340 lockers.

Project rundown
- Site area: 3,009m²
- Building Height: 30 storeys / RL 128m
- Total Gross Floor Area: 36,137m²
- Office GFA: 35,648m²
- Retail GFA: 489m²
- Lifts: x8
- Laneway Space: 696m²
- Car Parking: x176 Total
- Bicycle Parking: x225 secure bike spaces, x68 visitor bike spaces
- Access: Via Wickham Street
- Landscape design: Wild Studio
- Sustainability: The development includes a provision for a rooftop solar array system which would provide power to offset common area power consumption as well as rainwater capture.
Tell us what you think about this masterplan below in the comment box. The development application for this project, available to view on Brisbane City Council’s Developmenti online platform is A005899186.
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It’s a nice enough building design, and a decent concept in general.
Only concern is the back section facing Ranwell Lane: not sure it’s such a good idea placing a cafe and greenery seating area directly across from 4 railway tracks. Even at slow speeds, the high volume of train traffic is bound to generate some noise. Plus it’s a complete eyesore to look at.
Developers if you’re reading this lobby Qld Rail to put up very tall noise barrier fences!
This is an example of everything wrong with urban design in Brisbane – Wickham Street is one of the few streets left in Brisbane with an intact active frontage of shops from the pre-car era. So BCC will most likely approve a big driveway in the middle of it when the development site has excellent rear lane access for cars. Seriously bad design.