234 Vulture Street South Brisbane

1 Min Read
Artist's impression

Aria Property Group have submitted a new DA for a fifteen level residential building located at 234 Vulture Street, South Brisbane.

The development comprises of 84 residential apartments:

  • 24 × one bedroom apartments
  • 60 × two bedroom apartments

According to the DA:

The proposed development is an iconic, highly sculptured and refined building. The tower of the building is predominately glass and has included a faceted curve in the design of the façade that creates movement in light and shadow. The podium also includes a sculptured form, which includes precast concrete, bronze perforated screening, patterned glass and full height glazing. Landscaping has also been sed within the podium to soften the built form in the streetscape.

Artist’s impression
Artist’s impression

The development includes a rooftop pool, bbq and terrace.

The DA number for this development is A004061587.

Artist’s impression
Artist’s impression
Artist’s impression

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1 Comment
  • There would need to be adequate off street parking for residents , visitors
    and service vehicles. Traffic congestion in the area is already bad but once the proposed developments are operational traffic congestion will be a nightmare,
    Helicopters landing at the children’s hospital will disturb residents unless there is substantial sound proofing.
    The roof top facilities sound nice in theory but the reality is. that it is so windy at rooftop level most of the time, that a pool and bbq area would be a waste of space .
    I think the base of the building is looks ugly.
    Good luck marketing this !

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