Residential Development Proposed for 108 Lambert Street, Kangaroo Point

4 Min Read
Artist's impression of proposed 108 Lambert Street, Kangaroo Point

Pikos Group has submitted a revised development application for a three-stage residential development located at 94-108 Lambert Street and 46 O’Connell Street, Kangaroo Point.

The development comprises of three towers, each at 10 storeys high (plus penthouse level). A total of 200 residential apartments is planned for the project, with each tower featuring rooftop recreation amenities.

Designed by Kowalski Architects, the riverfront development will require the removal of three non-heritage pre-1911 dwellings which are to be relocated off-site.

According to Mewing Planning Consultants, the proposed development “responds to and addresses the site’s contextual characteristics, together with the relevant design, planning and technical provisions of the planning framework, to create a development that will make a positive contribution to the continued growth of the Kangaroo Point area”.

Artist’s impression of proposed 108 Lambert Street, Kangaroo Point
Artist’s impression of proposed 108 Lambert Street, Kangaroo Point

Development Rundown

  • Three (3) towers, each 10 storeys in height (plus partial penthouse level)
  • Tower 1 – 61 apartments, including 1 × two-bedroom apartments, 58 × three-bedroom apartments and 2 × four-bedroom apartments
  • Tower 2 – 47 apartments, including 9 × one-bedroom apartments, 9 × two-bedroom apartments, 28 × three-bedroom apartments and 1 × four-bedroom apartment
  • Tower 3 – 92 apartments, including 36 × one-bedroom apartments, 54 × two-bedroom apartments and 2 × four-bedroom apartments
  • 200 residential apartments in total
  • 326 car spaces, separated across three separate basements (one basement for each tower)
  • 1,624sqm (31% of the site area) of communal open space, located at ground level and on the rooftop of each of the towers. At ground level, the development provides a large centrally located outdoor area
  • Two vehicle access points, one (1) on each frontage. The crossover on O’Connell Street provides vehicle access to Tower 2 (similar to previously approved access arrangements). The crossover on Lambert Street provides a shared vehicle access to Towers 1 and 3
  • 250 bicycle spaces in total
  • Site area of 5,291sqm
Artist’s impression of proposed 108 Lambert Street, Kangaroo Point
Artist’s impression of proposed 108 Lambert Street, Kangaroo Point


Laud Ink Landscape Architects have prepared the Landscape Concept Plan for the proposed development.

Proposed rooftop landscaping plan

The development features:

  • A centrally located outdoor communal space, including landscaping, seating area and a multi-function space
  • Outdoor communal space in front of Tower 1, including outdoor seating
  • Deep planting area across the Lambert Street frontage and the northern and western boundaries of the site, which includes large subtropical trees and other landscaping
  • New street tree planting
  • Landscaped arbour over the driveways
  • The communal rooftop terrace on each tower features:
    • A pool
    • Lounge area
    • Outdoor dining
    • Landscaping

The development application number for this project is A005260505.

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    • Any why aren’t they doing their bit by extending the Riverwalk that is currently in a stranded state? That piece of their land would connect two vital segments of riverwalk that currently cannot be utilised.

    • There is very little street parking for visitors and people not using their parking can sell the space, but most households have 2-3 cars. Not everyone can ride a bike.

  • This is high-density development gone crazy. How can the Council approve such a huge development on such a small footprint which is going to have such a significant environmental impact on the neighbouring buildings and apartments? 200 unit apartments and 326 car parks will cause excessive noise pollution, overcrowding of unaesthetic concrete monoliths and the devaluation of the value and attraction of Kangaroo Point and surrounding areas. I think that as many people as possible who live in this currently pristine area should rise up and protest against what is obviously developer greed and disregard for current inhabitants and their dwellings.

  • Russell
    The development is too large for the proposed area. Two towers would be more appropriate.
    An absolute requirement should be the completion of the river walkway from Castlebar at the front across the full extent of the property. No comment in the development plan mentions this.
    There completion of this river walkway connection is crucial to a safer environment for walking and cycling, instead of navigating through a congested Lambert St, Thorn St.

  • This is ridiculous, talk about squashing as many buildings into a little space as possible. Where are the extra cars going to park as the streets are full now? It is clearly Developer and COUNCIL greed as they all benefit from this development…..there can be no other reason!

  • Well we have endured the building of ‘Magnus’ that was clearly not built to code as far too close to the road as well as the ugly green building that is way higher than was originally approved. Where are those extra cars going to park… room on the streets now. Then we have ‘Monterey’ at the bottom waiting to continue as well as the new building extension to the Point Hotel eventually starting. Coming up to three years of construction, noise, dust, stop n go signs and the list goes on. When will it stop and let people have some quality of life and enjoy our little part of KP ???

  • Just looking at the photo of the artists impression, it looks more like a Uni accommodation site with all the buildings squashed in there. This end of KP is starting to resemble South Bank with buildings popping up in the smallest places to accommodate overseas students….so wrong !

  • This is so wrong we already have a very ugly green building that is empty.
    3 more ugly empty towers.

  • The only person to benefit from this eyesore will the developer. He will be long gone when the residences and community of KP are choking on the pollution, desperately looking for green space and no possible privacy on their balconies to rest after difficulty finding a legal car parking space within walking distance of the building. This business of rooftop gardens is just a low ball strategy to provide a recreation space, when the building is built boundary to boundary. As you mentioned Tony, the Magnus building on the roundabout of Lambert and O’Connell Streets- Wait till someone is sharing their bedroom with an out of control car through the roundabout.

  • There is a new DA for the site of 108 Lambert Street – 3 towers of 15 storey. 300 hundred apartments. No riverwalk provision. No green space and noncompliant with so many of the Planning laws.

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