A development application has been submitted by Pidson Investments for the construction of a 28 storey commercial tower located at 251 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley.
Designed by Bureau Proberts, the tower features an notable stepped slanting facade along the Warner Street side as well as four storey foyer space.
“A stepped façade has been adopted to create a building which stands out in the urban skyline and reduces the perception of bulk both from the pedestrian realm and from other vantage points throughout the city.” – Development application.
According to the development application, the multi-height foyer space is to encourage pedestrian movement and inteaction with the ground plane. The foyer space will inclde a cafe tenancy, public plaza and seating. Extensive planting and mature trees is planned.

Urban planner Urbis says that 251 Wickham Street is conceived as an urban catalyst, designed to inspire renewal by strengthening the emerging daytime economy of the Fortitude Valley Precinct.
“The tower consisting of 19 commercial levels on the corner of Wickham and Warner streets, leverages its central position opposite Fortitude Valley Train station to create an injection of space for creative business, tech start-ups, and city-fringe enterprise.” – Development application.
The project’s exterior has an identifiable steel and concrete exoskeleton that runs up the Wickham Street face of the tower.

251 Wickham Street is designed to cater to the developing creative and tech economy.
In catering for the developing tech and creative industries, the architects have designed a work-live typology that forms the basis of the tower’s design.
Additional features of the building include varying floor plate sizes, natural ventilation and balconies to all tenancies, flexible meeting spaces, communal outdoor recreation areas, and on-site gym, end-of-trip and pool amenities.

Development rundown
- Site Cover: 1,060m2 (90.76%)
- Building Height: 28 storeys / 123.45m
- Gross Floor Area (GFA): Commercial – 14,550.9m2, Retail – 89.4m2 Total – 15,881.9m2
- Car Parking: 55 car parking spaces in total which include: 6 tandem car parks, 4 small cars, 1 PWD
- Bicycle Parking: 108 bicycle spaces in total which include: 77 Tenant bicycle parks, 31 visitor bicycle parks
- Ground floor plaza featuring water feature
- Level 1 20m pool and 226m2 open plan gym
- Bike storage and end-of-trip facilities.
- Landscape architecture by Lat27
A roof terrace is also planned for the crown of the building on level 22.

A previously approved 13 storey commercial development was granted by Council in December 2013.

Tell us what you think about this development below in the comment box. The development application for this project, available to view on Brisbane City Council’s Planning & Development Online is A005519158.
Really interesting architecture, the building itself will be a good addition to the Valley skyline. More workers during the day will give the area a boost as well.
I’m not sure about the void at the ground level, it won’t activate the street as much as a traditional building (but it’s good that the vertical building elements run to the ground and create a good facade along Wickham Street). Perhaps more retail uses in the space?
55 carparks only. Needs at least 200 plus. For an office tower. It’s not very attractive to be honest.
Well considering that its literally next door to the valley train station i dont think there is a requirement for parking. Those 55 spots will be enough for an exec group.
Its an interesting design and would be good to see buildings of this style and creativity in the city.
The whole design is honestly hideous, and throwing away the heritage facade currently existing on site would be a tragedy. Hope this proposal is thrown out and something like the FV buildings integrated heritage facade is implemented.
too tall, zoning should be a max of 15 stories or less otherwise it destroys the natural beauty of the heritage buildings.