Dual Tower Residential Development Proposed for Woolloongabba

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Artist's impression of Wolseley & Carl Street Woolloongabba

A development application has been submitted by Augustine Property Pty Ltd for the development of two twelve storey residential buildings located between Carl and Wolseley Streets, Woolloongabba.

Designed by Rothelowman architects, the development comprises of 204 residential apartments with a mixture of one and two bedroom apartments.

A lobby and pedestrian access points are established on the Carl Street and Wolseley Street frontages, however, the main vehicular access point to the ground level and basement car park is via Carl Street.

Level 1 of the development comprises a mixture of 1 and 2 bedroom unit configurations and a podium level which links the towers and provides a communal open space area for residents, consisting of:

  • A swimming pool
  • Deck/paved area with sun loungers
  • Media room
  • Games room
  • Gym
  • Communal amenities (toilet/shower)
  • Kitchen and BBQ Terrace
  • Outdoor café style dining and entertainment areas
  • Garden lounge room terraces with seating
  • Turfed outdoor terraces
  • Recreation area for ping pong tables
Artist's impression of Wolseley & Carl Street Woolloongabba
Artist’s impression of Wolseley & Carl Street Woolloongabba
Artist’s impression of Wolseley & Carl Street Woolloongabba
Artist’s impression of Wolseley & Carl Street Woolloongabba

Architects Rothelowman state in the development application that the current crop of architecture in the Woolloongabba area hasn’t yet properly responded to the real urban-scale and apartment-scale issues.

It has proposed the following design initiates to respond to urban scale issues facing the area:

  • Sculptural soffit artwork element to interface with the communal courtyard and connect Carl and Wolseley Streets
  • Communal courtyard with a collection of social spaces which acknowledge the surrounding demographic
  • Landscape integrated into social spaces to create intimate garden rooms larger social spaces
  • Facades facing neighbouring developments carefully opened to manage overlooking and privacy
  • Low-scale residential interface with gatehouses and landscaping to address the public streetscape
  • Generous volume to the residential lobby which addresses both the street and the neighbouring heritage building
Artist’s impression of Wolseley & Carl Street Woolloongabba
Artist’s impression of Wolseley & Carl Street Woolloongabba

The proposed development will set a new standard of design and residential living in the Buranda/Woolloongabba part of inner-city South Brisbane. The subject site is unique, in that it is one of the first dual frontage development opportunities in this part of the Buranda locality of Woolloongabba. Whilst there have been numerous approvals for high density residential units in the surrounding area, to date there has been very little development activity which represents the scale or architectural quality of this proposal. – Rothelowman

The proposed development has adopted numerous elements from the Brisbane City Council’s Buildings that Breathe guideline as is practical for this scale of development and location.

FORM Landscape Architects have taken six key principals from the subtropical guidelines :

  • Extend green into the vertical plane
  • Provide a variety of spaces
  • Provide indoor and outdoor spaces
  • Establish generous podium planting
  • Respond to climatic conditions
  • Minimise upstand walls

Development Rundown

  • Site Area – 3,545sqm
  • Site Cover – 2,044sqm (57.6%)
  • Building height – 37.5m – 38.3m (12 Storeys)
  • Apartments – Wolseley St Tower (121 units)
    1 bedroom units – 58
    2 bedroom units – 63
  • Apartments – Carl St Tower (83 units)
    1 bedroom units – 21
    2 bedroom units – 62
  • Total – 204 Apartments
  • Car Parking Required – 239.2
  • Provided – 237*
  • *Reduction of 6 spaces in favour of additional deep planting in the southern corner of the car park (as requested by BCC)
  • Bicycle Parking Required – 204 (residential) + 51 (visitor) = 255 spaces
  • Provided – 204 (residential) + 52 (visitor) = 256 spaces
  • Communal open space 1431sqm (including internal areas)

The development application number for this project is A005075537.

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