Big and Bold Ideas to Help Make Brisbane Even Better

30 Min Read
Green the Queen - Aria, Urbis

Big and bold ideas to revitalise and reimagine popular inner-city precincts ahead of the Brisbane2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games have been unveiled.

From removing the Riverside Expressway to creating a mobile Olympic-sized pool in the Brisbane River, more than 600 ideas have been generated during the initial stage of Brisbane City Council’s Inner Spark engagement process.

Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner thanked the hundreds of Brisbane planners, designers, architects and students who have contributed ideas and encouraged residents to have their say on the many daring, audacious and innovative concepts.

“We asked some of Brisbane’s best and brightest to come forward with big and bold ideas that can transform those areas of our city that are popular with residents and visitors alike,” Cr Schrinner said.

“What we wanted were concepts of all shapes and sizes that can enhance the experience of visitors during the Brisbane2032 Games and remain as legacy infrastructure and experiences for residents into the future.

“Like Expo88 transformed the industrial site we now know as South Bank, we wanted to start a conversation on how Brisbane2032 can revolutionise other parts of our city, particularly those areas in and around Games venues.

“I’ve been blown away by what we received back. While I love some of the ideas that have come forward, I’ll admit there are others that I’m not so keen on. The important thing now is that we get feedback from Brisbane residents.

“Howard Smith Wharves, Albert Street Green Spine, Queens Wharf and our Green Bridge program have all come from similar public processes in the past.”

The ideas were submitted under seven guiding themes, including “connected”, “future-focussed” and “green”.

Deputy Mayor and Civic Cabinet Chair for Economic Development and the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Krista Adams said a series of workshops, pop-up engagement events and activations will now occur so residents can get involved.

“I’m sure these ideas will be the subject of much debate around the barbecues of Brisbane over coming weekends,” Cr Adams said.

“There will be lots of opinions about whether a sub-tropical garden on Victoria Bridge is a good idea or if it’s possible to widen the river edge to create water-side parklands and community spaces.

“However, we now need to hear people’s opinions directly as well as any further ideas.

“This is about the next phase of making Brisbane even better, ensuring Games spectators tell all their friends and family about the fantastic sub-tropical city that they discovered in Australia and, most importantly, leaving a lasting legacy for our residents.”

Vote for your favourite idea via this link.

Green the Queen

Green the Queen - Urbis, Aria
Green the Queen – Urbis, Aria

Idea by Simon White, ARIA/Urbis

‘Green the Queen’ will transform Brisbane CBD’s most significant cross river movement corridor into a thriving piece of world class subtropical public realm, while creating diverse, shaded and multi-levelled garden outcrops that provide a place for people to pause, rest and enjoy

Frog’s Hollow Civic Space

Frog’s Hollow Civic Space – FORM

Idea by FORM

A new civic space on the corner of Albert and Mary streets that provides a green focus opposite the new Cross River Rail Station and further reinforces the green spine between the City Botanic Gardens and Roma Street Parklands.

Gabba Plaza

Gabba Plaza – CUSP

Idea by CUSP

The Gabba Forecourt proposal celebrates the theme of “water” drawing on the local area’s close relationship with its defining waterbodies, past and present. This would be defined through public artwork; water features, feature lighting; planting design and paving patterns.

The transition between the forecourt and the upper concourse would be achieved with a combination of terraced gardens; seating terraces/steps; and a centrally located sloping lawn covering bar and café areas. An arbour based on the iconic South Bank arbor would emphasise the link from the Woolloongabba Cross River Rail Station linking to the stadium’s concourse and culminating in a sculptural tower covered in Bougainvillea and subtropical plants that dominates the plaza space.

This element is to provide a contextual landmark; a destination piece; shade and contain a central lift to upper levels as equitable access.

Victoria Barracks Bridge

Victoria Barracks Bridge – Urbis

Idea by Urbis

Opening up of the likely redundant rail bridge connecting Victoria Barracks to Roma Street Parkland. This will enable the renewal of the barracks and extend the green spine concept from the City Botanic Gardens through to Suncorp Stadium and Petrie Terrace.

River Is-land?

River Is-land – Jared Hall, ARUP

Idea by Jared Hall, ARUP

A series of new and internationally unique elevated landscapes that will provide Brisbane with a multi-faceted benefit regarding recognition, environment, and economy. This project is an innovative way to integrate ecology with our public open spaces.

Suspended Connection Proposal

Suspended Connection Proposal – PDT

Idea by Miranda Sheehan, PDT Architects | Property Leaders Brisbane

The aim of this proposal is to enhance the streetscape of the city, through creating a high-level space forming another plane of connectivity and accessibility throughout the city. To maximise safety and efficient connectivity through the city, segregation of vehicles and pedestrians will be adapted.

Fortitude Valley Ann Street – Transport Boulevard

Fortitude Valley Ann Street – Transport Boulevard – Jacobs

Idea by Jacobs

Seasonal River Pool

Seasonal River Pool – Urbis

Idea by Urbis

An Olympic standard pool floating in the Brisbane River. This will make good on the active and healthy lifestyle brand, drive visitation and celebrate the remarkable swimming culture of the city. The swimming pool will be moveable and located in different parts of the city’s river throughout key times of the year.

City Centre Garden Block

City Centre Garden Block – Urbis

Idea by Urbis

A collection of city blocks between George and Edward streets/Adelaide and Charlotte streets, in which the streets and public realm are reorientated toward pedestrians.

Significant landscape, shared zones, green space, activation, and public realm investments transform the image of the ‘city centre experience’ attracting more people and acting as a catalyst for renewal, retail, investment and civic outcomes.

Vehicle access will be incrementally reduced over time so that ultimately, only service vehicles will move throughout a pedestrian and active transport focused city.

Albert Street Urban Kitchen

Albert Street Urban Kitchen – Urbis

Idea by Alex Dimmock

A linear outdoor urban kitchen along Albert Street as a way of celebrating our multicultural city and bringing theatre and purpose to the green spine.

REX Beautification

REX Beautification – Urbis

Idea by Urbis

Beautification of parts of the Riverside Expressway that are not essential to long term or strategic traffic movements.

This is an opportunity for small scale interventions around lighting and art, but also more significant opportunities such as highline concept on the south bound Elizabeth Street off ramp, to include new public spaces for relaxation, exploration and adventure.

Valley Stitch

Valley Stitch – Urbis

Idea by Urbis

Stitching together the valley retail core with neighbouring employment and residential precincts and back into the city.

Quay Street Park

Quay Street Park – LatStudios with ARIA

Idea by Damian Thompson, LatStudios with ARIA

A local link and revitalised city park. A verdant parkland destination celebrating Brisbane’s first European burial ground (with traffic calming could incorporate E.E. McCormick Place).

A hub linking Suncorp Stadium, Caxton Street, The Barracks and Roma Street to key cultural destinations across the river.

Brunswick Street Master Plan

Brunswick Street Master Plan – Damian Thompson, LatStudios with Pointcorp

Idea by Damian Thompson, LatStudios with Pointcorp

Transforming Brunswick Street from busy road to leafy, pedestrian boulevard. Shifting priorities to pedestrian comfort and safety and encouraging active transport in a strategic link between river and bustling heart of the valley. Local stakeholders are ready to make this world-class vision a reality.

Queen Street Park

Queen Street Park – Urbis

Idea by Michael Cattoni, Charter Hall + Urbis

Queen Street Park involves the creation of a new iconic civic space in the heart of the CBD by ‘taking back’ a road for pedestrian use. Queen Street is Brisbane’s most important pedestrian street.


Subterrain – Andrea Goodwin, Creative Road Art Projects

Idea by Andrea Goodwin, Creative Road Art Projects

An experimental contemporary art space located under the expressway on the CBD river’s edge. Developed for Brisbane’s emerging artists to create permanent and temporary visual art and stage cultural events.

Mandjar: Roma Street Precinct Reimagined

Idea by Stephen Long, Architectus

This once shared place emerges as a reconnected precinct through skilfully interposed linkages and new alignments. The precinct’s past will inform new communities as it weaves itself into the fabric of Brisbane. A sustainable precinct that welcomes a global audience leaving a local legacy.

Gabba Link – David Uhlmann

Idea by David Uhlmann

Enhance inner-city open space, connectivity and riverbank from Gabba stadium to inner city through undergrounding parts of Vulture Street, Stanley Street and M1 and removal of the Riverside Expressway at Northbank. Captain Cook Bridge stays as a green bridge for pedestrian, cycle access with green shade.

Play of Light

Play of Light – Andrea Goodwin, Creative Road Art Projects

Idea by Andrea Goodwin, Creative Road Art Projects

An annual program of semi-permanent lighting and projection artworks by renowned Australian and international artists. Artists to design site specific artworks to be located on and around the river.

A Wild River’s Edge

A Wild River’s Edge – Mel Jones

Idea by Mel Jones

Widening and softening of the river edges at North Quay to complete the river’s edge experience created by Howard Smith Wharves, City Reach, City Botanic Gardens, and Queens Wharf.

North Quay presents an opportunity to ‘rewild’ the river’s edge, create new parkland and places for the community to enjoy, while creating a unique gateway experience into the city west.

River Icons

River Icons – Andrea Goodwin, Creative Road Art Projects

Idea by Andrea Goodwin, Creative Road Art Projects

Major public art commissions by high profile Australian and international artists in partnership with Brisbane City Council and the private sector. Installed on, within and/or use water as a medium.

Roma Street Parkland City Gateway

Roma Street Parkland City Gateway – Michael Madden, City Parklands Services

Idea by Michael Madden, City Parklands Services

The vision supercharges the Albert Street Green Spine that connects the City Botanic Gardens with Roma Street Parkland.

Expanding the boundaries of Roma Street Parkland by amalgamating it with Wickham Park and Emma Miller Place will create an iconic parkland in the heart of the city.

Play at Little Roma

Play at Little Roma – Mirvac

Idea by Liz Ryan, Mirvac

Imagine a new urban park focused on sport, health and wellness underneath the Turbot Street underpass. A park which is welcoming, connected, animated and beautiful, and one that also enhances our outdoor lifestyle. Welcome to Play at Little Roma.

Tank Street Entertainment Strip

Tank Street Entertainment Strip – Urbis

Idea by Urbis

Programmed street closures on weekends or for specific events to allow for markets, and other live entertainment opportunities to help rebuild patterns of visitation to the city centre.

Greening King George Square

Greening King George Square – O2LA

Idea by O2LA

Greening/shading King George Square to offset expansive built form could be achieved by rationalising the bus station entries. Our proposal involves closing the western entry portal (as it is approximately only 40m from the eastern entry) and repurposing as a green lawn with signature/cultural trees.

Australia’s New Iconic Landmark

Landmark – Joarez Moraes Bispo, QUT Student

Idea by Joarez Moraes Bispo, QUT Student

It consists of three key areas: One – Welcoming – Create Iconic building or Statue to celebrate Brisbane 2032 and Multicultural city. Two – Connect – Build a new bridge connecting Noble Street and Fagan Road. Three – Future focused – Change zoning restriction to allow new commercial, shops, hotels, offices and residences.

Lebron Link – Luke Micali, VEE Design Collaborating with Mike Jones

Idea by Luke Micali, VEE Design Collaborating with Mike Jones

An elevated open space and active transport link, providing new activated open space within Fortitude Valley. It will provide a broader connection loop from Victoria Park through to New Farm, ultimately connecting major destinations and green space and providing much needed equitable green space.

Brisbane City Super Canopy

Rooftops – Urbis

Idea by Urbis

As a natural extension to Buildings that Breathe, encouraging and incentivising elevated and roof top gardens in the CBD as a way of enhancing shade and providing a rich habitat for wildlife in the city centre.

Urban Forests

Idea by Howard Tran, Aria Property Group

Green towers are the future of Brisbane and we should be embracing this type of architecture as we move towards becoming host city for Brisbane 2032 that is seen on the world stage.

Logan Road Ribbon Park

Logan Road Ribbon Park – Blight Rayner

Idea by Blight Rayner

Stretching between Jurgens Street and Balaclava Street, the Logan Road Ribbon Park creates up to eight metres wide of continuous open green space by re-aligning the road and incorporating parallel parking and bicycle lanes. At each end are existing open spaces that can form culminations of the ribbon park, especially at Jurgens Street where cafes can open to an amphitheatre space and green common.

The ribbon park is conceived as a series of linked green spaces, some for active sports like table tennis, a playground, and some for relaxation under trees or canopies. The canopy shown is intended to recur and reinforce the ribbon nature of the park, reflecting its greenery.

The linear green spine also provides opportunity for a narrative of public art embodying First Nations People’s relationship to the land. With widened pavements at both sides of the road, developers would be encouraged to extend the café precinct at the top of Logan Road southwards, with space for outdoor dining and garden edges.

Green Plot Ratio

Green Plot Ratio – Urbis

Idea by Urbis

Creating standards around ‘green plot ratio’ to ensure each new building within the city centre creates new public spaces and gardens that improve visual amenity and reinforce a distinctly Brisbane character.

The Low Line

The Low Line – Vicki Barclay, RPS

Idea by Vicki Barclay, RPS

The Low Line Project will demonstrate what is possible when once-forgotten city spaces are loved and valued to contribute to the culture and amenity of the urban environment. The outcome delivers public accessible space including play, fitness and community activation grounded in the local vernacular.

Kurilpa Riverfront Parkland

Kurilpa Riverfront Precinct – Urbis

Idea by Urbis

The riverfront parkland will be a place for recreation, relaxation and civic events. The generous parkland will follow the river’s edge, opening up the riverfront to the local community and maximising opportunities for people to view and interact with the river.

Animated Multicultural Nodes and Patches

Animated Multicultural Nodes and Patches – Dr. Sudipto Roy, D4: Fourth Dimension

Idea by Dr. Sudipto Roy, D4: Fourth Dimension

The proposed ideas include bold, bright, specific recommendations, transforming underutilised, unappealing nodes and patches to welcoming, connected, animated, beautiful, future focused, green and resilient ‘coupled human’ natural systems, that will ignite a spark, activating the city matrix.

The Block Park

The Block Park – Tessa Leggo, FRED St

Idea by Tessa Leggo, FRED St

Bounded by Stanley, Wellington, Ipswich and Balaclava streets: ripe to be a block park, where all streets are parkland style streetscape and car travel is local only. Major reclamation of road into extended verges with dense tree planting and pedestrian priority. Bridge links across Stanley and Ipswich Road.

Green Glider

Green Glider – Jenny Elliott

Idea by Jenny Elliott

Creation of a cliff-top outdoor natural play area at River Terrace combined with enhanced biodiversity-focussed planting and stunning views across to the city. Outdoor adventure connection via flying fox to the City Botanic Gardens – connecting these two complementary green recreational spaces.

Glenelg Street Master Plan

Glenelg Street Master Plan – Aria

Idea by Damian Thompson, LatStudios with ARIA

Transforming Glenelg Street into a Green Spine delivers critical, cityscale connection linking Musgrave Park and West End to the river and South Bank. It will play host to community events – activating local street corners, edges and undercrofts – celebrating life in our special corner of the subtropics.

Principal Pedestrian Network – Olympic Boulevards

Principal Pedestrian Network – Olympic Boulevards – O2LA

Idea by O2LA

Apply Principal Pedestrian Network Methodology developed by VicRoads (or equivalent) to identify active transport network routes, audit routes to identify barriers/shortcomings and prioritise for infrastructure investment to ensure they provide for efficient, pleasant and convenient active transport.

Enlivening Victoria Bridge – Our City Gateway

Enlivening Victoria Bridge – Our City Gateway – O2LA

Idea by O2LA

Enlivening/enhancing Victoria Bridge ‘gateway to our city’, primary connector in 2km spine between Queen Street and Boundary Street in West End. Reclaiming the ‘Peoples Walk’ – enhance key areas of gateway such as Treasury Building’s Forecourt (e.g. by closing the Queen Street Bus Station Portal).

A Filigree of Laneways

A Filigree of Laneways – ARUP

Idea by Caryl Heraldo, ARUP

A new filigree of pedestrian spaces through creating new and connecting existing laneways. A branch of laneways that stitch and intensify the pedestrian spaces between Adelaide Street, Queen Street and Elizabeth Street; and a laneway circuit within the CBD.

First Nations Placemaking – Designing with Country

First Nations Placemaking – AECOM

Idea by Blaklash in partnership with Place Design Group and AECOM

Wickham Park Precinct

Wickham Park Precinct – Daniel Kallis, Hassell

Idea by Daniel Kallis, Hassell

The precinct contains some of the least recognised open spaces in the city. Through opening up the precinct with strong connections and adaptive reuse of the heritage reservoirs these isolated green spaces can be integrated back into the city fabric, creating a significant people place for Brisbane.

Breakfast Creek Sports Precinct

Breakfast Creek Sports Precinct – Brisbane City Council

Idea by Brisbane City Council

Breakfast Creek is a premier destination for elite and community sport and is an iconic lifestyle centre in Brisbane’s inner-north. Positioned to maximise convenience, the precinct showcases Brisbane’s best qualities.

City-wide Bougainvillea Path

City-wide Bougainvillea Path – Business South Bank

Idea by Business South Bank

Extend the South Bank Bougainvillea arbour to not only create a welcoming, safe, subtropical trail that promotes and encourages walking throughout the inner city but provides a beautiful and iconic backdrop for the city. This wayfinding device helps links all of the significant places in Brisbane.

Blue Brisbane

Blue Brisbane – Lucy Johnson, ARUP

Idea by Lucy Johnson, ARUP

For Brisbane City Council to develop a holistic and integrated Blue Network Infrastructure plan included within the revised City Masterplan. ‘Blue Brisbane’ will adopt a larger-scale, strategic approach to sustainable drainage and look to create an adaptive and resilient response to flood mitigation.

Inner Northern Sports Precinct – Public and active transport plan

Inner Northern Sports Precinct – Public and active transport plan – Jacobs

Idea by Jacobs

Improve and enhance connectivity and the public realm between sports precincts and communities north and south of Enoggera Creek.

Icon: Riverstage Indigenous Eternal Flame Landmark

Icon- Riverstage Indigenous Eternal Flame Landmark – David Hayward, Stantec

Idea by David Hayward, Stantec

Iconic Indigenous architectural structure ‘Eternal Flame’ placed above Riverstage that creates Brisbane’s world-renowned landmark.

The Eternal Flame would emphatically enshrine our rich Indigenous history, blended with the global Olympic movement, at the city’s focal point on the Brisbane River.

Urban Agriculture

Urban Agriculture – Ryan Kennedy, ARUP

Idea by Ryan Kennedy, ARUP

This idea explores what Brisbane could look like with more urban agriculture and biophilic design elements.

Next Generation Knowledge Corridor

Next Generation Knowledge Corridor – AECOM, Bull + Bear Economics and Place Design Group

Idea by AECOM, Bull + Bear Economics and Place Design Group

Heart of Woolloongabba

Heart of Woolloongabba – Emily Griffioen

Idea by Emily Griffioen

Close off the end block of Logan Road from Jurgens Street onwards and create a pedestrian only hub, deck out the middle with plants, lights, interactive games, seats, shaded areas, drinking and bottle refilling station, bike parking and colourful artworks.


Bishops(re)bourne – Matt Martoo, Property Leaders Brisbane/Ellivo Architects/Ethos Urban

Idea by Matt Martoo, Property Leaders Brisbane/Ellivo Architects/Ethos Urban

The chosen subject area is a unique and hidden land holding that offers an abundance of opportunity for the revitalisation of the heritage Bishopsbourne buildings which can unlock wider opportunities for elevating Milton as a vibrant inner city precinct.

City Art Loop

City Art Loop – Urbis

Idea by Urbis

The City Art Loop will be a collection of current and new public artwork displays looping around the city centre along Edward Street and over to Kangaroo Point, along the river’s edge, through South Bank, the Kurilpa Bridge and connecting back to the city. New displays of both permanent and temporary nature will create a curated and ever-changing trail of artwork around the city.

An Inner City of Experiences

An Inner City of Experiences – AECOM and Place Design Group

Idea by AECOM and Place Design Group

Fairy Trail Addition

Fairy Trail Addition – Samantha Collins, Mirvac

Idea by Samantha Collins, Mirvac

Add to the nighttime vibrancy of Brisbane city and improve perceived safety by expanding Where to Find Fairies in the city to include King Edward Park.

Inner City Green and Blue Ribbon

Inner City Green and Blue Ribbon – AECOM, Cox and Place Design Group

Idea by AECOM, Cox and Place Design Group

Market Square on Market Street

Market Square on Market Street – Reilly Mallon, Cavill Architects in association with Urbis

Idea by Reilly Mallon, Cavill Architects in association with Urbis

Market Square, framed by important heritage buildings, benefits from a quiet and calm atmosphere and is a strong candidate for an exceptional inner-city gathering space.

Licensed seating for tenancies on both sides of the street facilitate comfortable amenity and underpin vibrant activation of the square.

Remove the Riverside Expressway Without Replacement

Remove the Riverside Expressway Without Replacement – Ben Gardiner (3D Visualisation fly-through movie by Scharp).

Idea by Ben Gardiner

3D Visualisation fly-through movie by Scharp. Riverside Expressway induces traffic and pollution. Its purpose is also made redundant by Clem7, V1, rail, etc. Studies demonstrate that urban freeway removal is overall beneficial. Removal would make the west riverfront more amenable and discourage car use in the CBD.

Vote for your favourite idea via this link.

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  • These are mostly dreams that are not possible. A pool in the river? We had a horrendous year where boats, jettys etc got washed away. People and cars still need to drive thru and round the city…. We need more vehicle bridges across the river! When the Story Bridge is blocked it is impossible to keep traffic moving. Where are our ferries and jetties???? Most of these ideas are impossible: just expensive and bizarre ideas of architects – not town planners!

  • Great ideas begin with dreams of how things can be. The next challenge is not to shelve these submissions, but to ponder which ones can enhance urban living and be actualised in a meaningful way. We need to dream in order to believe that things can be better. We have the resources to make these ideas happen.

  • Fully agree with Pamela Neil above, the lack of transport corridors and especially river crossings for vehicles is a significant issue. Forget ‘icing the cake’, if the public and teams cannot be transported quickly and efficiently to venues, the Games will not be viewed as a success by visitors.
    The dire lack of transport infrastructure is a direct consequence of academic planners setting the agenda for too many years. There’s a decided black spot in critical thinking that all ‘roads’ should lead to the CBD and public transport will solve all problems.

  • I’d love to see Brisbane Council and the State Gov’t co-operate and cover the entire ICB with a landbridge (i.e. extend the existing landbridge at Yorks Hollow/ Ibis Island in both directions.) The idea being to link up Victoria Park and Gregory Terrace parklands to become one big sprawling greenspace. There’d be multiple advantages to this:
    -Traffic noise from the ICB is reduced to zero.
    -Land reclaimed via landbridges can be used for open spaces/ sports fields.
    -Victoria Park is much more easily accessible from the CBD/ Spring Hill.
    -Artificial hill (created by landbridges sloping down from Gregory Tce park) can form undercover parking; accessible from the existing Centenary Aquatic Centre entry.
    -option for future ‘underground’ train/ metro station adjacent to Brisbane Grammar (where the rail & inner northern bussway converge) would allow visitors immediate access.
    The river is nice (and traditionally a feature attraction of Brisbane), but if the city is to grow there must be infrastructure in place to meet that expansion. The city’s inevitably going to expand northwards to Herston, why not make one of the biggest parklands (by city size) a focus?

    • Yes, I too wanted to see that built but it has been determined to cost around 3.7bn dollars which has led to the state government scrapping the plans to build that area.

  • Most of these ideas are outside the requirements of an improved and connected Brisbane. The idea with most merit is the improved connection between Roma St and the Victoria Barracks. This should occur concurrently with the works on the ‘Brisbane Live’ Roma St Precinct

    Multi-modal river transit options must be the priority, with personal vehicle, public transport and pedestrian/ light vehicle options. Racecourse Rd – Apollo Rd and Oxford St – Commercial Rd being obvious requirements. The requirement for Large vessel transit up the river most also be reviewed, if this is seen as a restricting factor.

  • Yep none of this is ever gonna happen. How about a walk bridge from Newstead to Oxford Street and another from New Farm Park to Norman Park so don’t have to rely on unreliable river transport and not having to go all the way into the city then back out if you have a bike or scooter? Or what about a Cleveland line that isn’t out nearly every weekend? Just for starters

  • Brisbane will need yet another large lyric theatre .The new theatre at QPAC opening 2024 stillwill not cope with the amount of shows coming out of Sydney and Melbourne .These two cities have several tjeatres which have been restored for future generations .We need an independant theatrical producer/s to build us a world clas theatre in the Brisbane Central Buiness Area

  • As always, multiple initiatives are centred around the river, yet there never seems to be any discussion on policy designed to improve the look and health of our waterway. We may not be able to turn it blue in 10 years for the Olympics, but surely we can improve it considerably.

  • Some excellent ideas presented.

    With regards to improving public transportation, I wonder if there is a missed opportunity with the existing QR purple line; Can we create a QR circle line that expands the line from Doomben to the Gateway area (North and Southside) before linking up with Murrarrie station. This could then loop around the existing Tennyson railway tracks before connecting back the north side..

  • It would be amazing to see the riverside express way removed making that side of the city a beautiful gateway to the CBD and South Bank.
    Of course the issue would be executing it. You would have to have major construction cause major disruption and of course A replacement tunnel or road that would act as a smaller river side expressway. Either way, all of these entries are amazing and would truely change Brisbane.

  • Brisbane has public space development opportunity at the edge of the river. The river edge offers current and future ‘green spine’ opportunity. As the inner city expands the river remains and evolves to be a significant part of Brisbane and accordingly the river edge ‘still’ offers significant public usage opportunity and this is with integration with ‘steps’ and ‘terraces’. This type of edge development doubles as flood infrastructure. Walks to and along river terrace, village at river terrace, parks at river terrace all provide Brisbane open space destination, tangible Brisbane identity and a significant ground movement network with bridges and other river platforms etc.

  • What kind of delusional clown thinks that removing the Riverside Expressway will SOLVE a problem ????????
    The expressway isnt the problem: the amount of traffic and the road system that throttles the expressway is the problem and always has been. You cant have a four lane expressway feed into a three lane city road thats supposed to be feeding traffic into the city without creating a backlog of traffic: thats like trying to wash a car with a fire engine hose fed through a straw . . .buddy, that aint gonna work and blaming the fire engine aint the solution. A tunnel will NOT solve hand wavey problems just like the other tunnels in Brisbane have not solved any problems and have actually wasted tax payers funds. The biggest problem with the expressway is not its location or this ridiculous notion its somehow blocking the public from the river ( its not) but rather that its trying to handle the traffic that the State government and BCC have ignored for decades over building more and more infrastructure without thinking about the traffic it generates: if you want to see this in action you just need to go to Forest Lake where all the new housing estates are going up but no new roads are being built.
    What is actually needed is for expressway to become part of an ACTUAL expressway in that is seperated from city traffic and a thoroughfare to moggill road and the centenary highway is opened up. No more of this “everything comes to screeching halt at the bridge” rubbish from lack of bridges accessing the city and lack of decent roads capable of feeding traffic into the city from multiple points. Far too many roads are flow restricted because minor roads cross them: Moggill road, logan road, ipswich road, all are continually stop start because some idiot decided a side street getas traffic lights. The Expressway would be better served by DEALING with the volume of traffic sensibly, public transport is and always has been garbage in brissie, and creating better flow through by joining up the roads mentioned to help increase flow.
    A tunnel solves nothing.

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