A development application has been submitted by Melbourne-based Goldfields for a twenty storey residential tower located at 29 – 35 Manning Street Milton.
Designed by Rothelowman, the project comprises 131 apartments, three basement car park levels and a rooftop recreation deck featuring a pool, BBQ area, sun lounges, casual seating and yoga area.
The development site is located behind Park Road and requires the removal of four detached residential dwellings.
A large two level green wall is proposed along the pedestrian entry to the building on Manning Street.

Development rundown:
- Site Area: 3,514m2
- Total Gross Floor Area: 13,868.3m2
- Total Landscaping Area: 451.3m2
- Height: 20 storeys / RL 80.6m
- Apartments: x14 one bedroom apartments, x91 two bedroom apartments, x18 three bedroom apartments, x8 four bedroom apartments. x131 apartments total
- Car Parking: x171
- Bicycle Parking: x131
- Lifts: x2
- Landscape Architects: Form Landscape Architects

This is Rothelowman’s third large scale project which follows a simple architectural method of repetition of details and standardisation of building components.
This development supersedes a previously approved development application known as ‘Savoir Faire (Stage 2)’.

Tell us what you think about this development below in the comment box. The development application for this project, available to view on Brisbane City Council’s Developmenti online platform is A005840606.
Looks very boring and plain.
Gotta agree with Kenny, bog standard and very boring. Absolutely no architectural risks were taken in the design of this. All committee members got exactly what they wanted.
It looks like they’re trying to duplicate the look of the Savoy Faire building next to it. I wouldn’t be surprised if visitors keep walking into the wrong building by mistake.
Garbage. Brisbane is full of this type of bland ugliness now and in 20 years time it will look even worse.
Another FUBAR design.
It’s a monstrosity to the eye.
It will look outdated in a week.
Please just glass it all in for a better look.
The design seem to block the light for the units. It will end up being dark inside the units. Please consider high ceilings, however that’s not going to address the issue by itself. large covered balconies are the issue.
Also for god sake do not follow the current trend of apartment building that allow only 70 to 80 sqm for two bedrooms. Small bedrooms, small livings. tight and long corridors! You will make some more money in the short term but people have to live in those cages for years and years!
Horrible building as others have stated. Uninspired design simply created to steal as many $$$$ from first home buyers as possible. Imagine shilling out over $500,000 for one of these places to live the rest of your life. Simply Sad.