Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner has unveiled the locations of the next two new green bridges after receiving a huge amount of feedback from residents.
After a major consultation process, Cr Schrinner revealed the Toowong to West End Green Bridge will connect 600 Coronation Drive, Toowong to Forbes Street, Orleigh Park.
The St Lucia to West End Green Bridge will connect Guyatt Park, St Lucia with, Orleigh Park, West End.
The other alignment options will not be progressed further.
“The level of community feedback on the alignment options was impressive with more than 4000 responses received during the four-month consultation period,” Cr Schrinner said.
“With 83 per cent of survey respondents supporting 600 Coronation Drive and 64 per cent backing Guyatt Park, it’s crystal clear that Brisbane residents want green bridges and know exactly where they want them.
“The first two green bridges at Kangaroo Point and Breakfast Creek are on track to start construction later this year, supporting 440 jobs.
“The Kangaroo Point Green Bridge will not only result in 83,690 fewer car trips using river crossing every year, it will also provide a direct walking link between the CBD and the Olympics venue at the Gabba.
“We will now start preparing the concept designs and preliminary business cases for the two West End bridges, so we are ready to seek funding support from other levels of government.”
Public and Active Transport Chair Ryan Murphy thanked the residents who took the time to share their thoughts on the future green bridges and said the community would continue to play a critical role in the progression of each project.
“Through the consultation, residents showed greater enthusiasm and readiness for the delivery of a Toowong green bridge, so we will take this on board when determining the next steps for these projects,” Cr Murphy said.
“Residents have told us that this bridge is the priority and that we should focus on building it before we proceed with construction of the St Lucia to West End link.”
“We expect the detailed business cases will be completed this year, which we will then discuss with the Queensland and Australian governments to determine the next steps for these projects, including funding and delivery timeframes.
Council has allocated $550 million in the green bridge program, with additional funds being sought from other levels of government
- More than 2300 pieces of feedback on the Toowong to West End Green Bridge
- 83 per cent of respondents supported the 600 Coronation Drive alignment (Option A)
- More than 1900 pieces of feedback on the St Lucia to West End Green Bridge
- 64 per cent of respondents supported the Guyatt Park alignment (Option A)
- During the consultation period, Council hosted a range of activities that allowed residents to provide feedback on the alignment options for each green bridge and talk to members of the project team. This included:
- six information sessions at local venues in Toowong, St Lucia and West End, with a total of 565 attendees
- six pop-up visits at ferry terminals, parks and bridges near the potential landing locations, with 479 interactions
- 11 meetings held with key stakeholders
- meetings were also held with property owners directly impacted by the proposed alignment options.
great to have river foot crossings however the specific locations do not seem to have been well considered to fit best benefits possible to whole city. no evidence of multivariate regression analysis of cause and effect of options on, for example, public and private transport, recreation, retail, public security, where is the detailed data gathering and scientific analysis? this looks like a subjective guess based on asking a few residents to fill in a few forms. basic childish grade 8 school analysis of a multimillion dollar spend. please get some mathematics into this.
‘green’ things are promoted such as this, but development approvals allow carcinogens to be released from all the equipment used in residential/commercial developments. council doesn’t measure any of these carcinogens from development sites and i’ve suffered personally. why doesn’t our council actually protect us from these building hazards?
Looking forward to the new projects green bridge and Toowong town centre beginning.Infrastructure development is very important for growth and the future.
Having first lived in Toowong 25 years ago and seeing how its changed for the better and with these improvements will be an even better place to be and live.