Should they win at the upcoming Queensland state election, the Liberal National Party is promising to build a $1 billion “architectural icon” which would house Australia’s new natural-history museum, aquarium, a living forest, science displays as well as research and educational facilities.
According to LNP Opposition leader Tim Nicholls, the “once in a generation” dual tourist and research destination would be constructed next to GoMA on the banks of the Brisbane River at the site of the current Parmalat Milk factory.
An international design competition similar to the one that saw the creation of Sydney’s iconic opera house would be held to develop the design for the new facility which, according to Tim Nicholls would create more than 2,600 jobs. Mr Nicholls has promised to allocate $20 million in kickstart funds for the worldwide design competition, design phase and also the business case.
Under the LNP plan, the facility would be modelled off the California Academy of Sciences which is located in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.
“The design competition will ensure the ‘living building’ captures the history of Australia, Brisbane and South Bank but also the natural elements of Queensland life and the capacity to deliver important research programs, sustainability and conservation work.”
Mr Nicholls pledged that work on a concept design and business case for the Queensland Academy of Sciences project would commence within the first 100 days of an LNP election win.
“This will be world class,” Mr Nicholls said.
The aquarium would also be one of the most advanced of its type in the world in order to showcase Queensland’s 2,300km-long Great Barrier Reef ecosystem.
“Given Queensland is home to the Great Barrier Reef, we want the aquarium to be one of the most advanced of its type in the world.”
“We want this to be a destination like no other and a must-see for tourists across the world,” Mr Nicholls said. The plan can be read here.
Earlier this year the LNP also pledged to fast track the $2 billion Brisbane Live proposal and add a university campus, a health and medical hub, a international film and TV production centre, as well as a Times Square-style public space to the proposal.
The state election is not due till May 2018 however sources say the Labor Government will call for a November 2017 election.
Dead set the worst indicative imagery I have ever seen for something that deserves to be resolved a bit further before floating it out to the public for comment.
The most interesting part of the site would be a reference to the past industrial use & how that influenced river edge development over the past 100 years. We have already done our best to clear all remnants of the inner city industrial past. Could be an amazing space but hey… lets put an aquarium like the existing market led proposal just down the river
exactly what i thought – those are the most hideous images i have ever seen of a building!
The first thing that comes to mind is Te Papa Museum in Wellington (google it) a design which is the laughing stock of the architecture community over there.
Please spend the billion on the actual Great Barrier Reef.
@cyal8m8 I’d suggest that’s because it’s a ‘high speed rail’ election promise that will never happen. Vote buying fluff.
I thought this was a great idea at $1 billion dollars ….until I read Rosie Kennedy’s comment above. So true – well said Rosie! I couldn’t agree more. Nobody could argue with that logic. Spend that money on projects that benefit the ACTUAL reef off Queensland. Go to PetCity at Wishart if you want to see some cool things in aquariums (free to look too).